phpMyAdmin is an advanced tool that shall enable you to control MySQL databases. It's written in PHP and offers an easy-to-use web interface to: create, remove or change database cells, rows and whole tables. Less experienced users can use the software tool to import or export a database with a couple of clicks in many formats - PDF, CSV, SQL and XML, and that is the quickest and the easiest way to migrate a script-driven Internet site from one Internet hosting provider to another, due to the fact that most of the content of this sort of an Internet site is stored in a database, not in static files. More knowledgeable users can access a variety of advanced features including running MySQL statements or managing the privileges of database users. phpMyAdmin is amongst the most widely used MySQL management systems available.

phpMyAdmin in Semi-dedicated Servers

We supply phpMyAdmin with each and every semi-dedicated server account since our plans support MySQL-driven websites. The tool is incorporated inside our in-house built Hepsia Internet hosting Control Panel and if you want to change any database, you simply need to go to the MySQL section and click on the phpMyAdmin icon for a specific database. You won't need any login credentials because you will be signed in automatically. If you do not want to go through your CP or you need to provide access to any database to another individual for some reason, you will also have an alternative option - to go to our phpMyAdmin direct login web page where our system shall require the database username and password. If you hire a web development company, for example, you can use that option to permit them to work on your Internet site without giving them access to any files, email messages or some other databases inside the account.